The Arkα1
Keeping your data afloat while your ministry multiplies!
A Church Management System (ChMS) built by Methodists, for Methodists

Projected Timeline
The goal of the staggered release of The Ark below is to create a stress free product that meets the needs of our users. Unfortunately no piece of software is perfect as it will contain bugs and missing features. With a steadied approach to a full production launch we can guarantee that existing bugs will be ironed out and missing features can be implemented in a way that doesn't disrupt your usage of the software.
The projected timeline below is subject to change based on the feedback we receive from our users.
Q1 2024
Invite only alpha release (α1)
Minimum viable product is complete. Working with a very limited number of Communities who have been invited to use the product to work out bugs and headaches in the software to streamline the user experience.
Q2 2024
Request based alpha release (α2)
Bringing on more Communities to further solidify usability! Communities are able to submit a request to use the product. Requests will be reviewed and approved based on conversations between Alluvion Software and the requesting Community to make sure the product doesn't disrupt your Community's day to day operations.
Q3 2024
Request based beta release (β)
Further scaling up product usage. The only barrier to entry will be to limit onboarding per unit time to guarantee the software scales properly to meet your Community's needs.
Q4 2024
Full production release
Fully open for business. Communities will be able to move on an off the product at their leisure.
Plans, Pricing, & Features
Planning on using The Ark for your Community?
Free Trial
- 3 months free*
- Member Management
- Donation Tracking
- Event Planning
- Attendance Tracking
- Group Organization
- Employee/Staff Management
- Reporting
*After 3 months your data will enter a "read only" state until moving to the Standard plan
- Everything in the Free Trial
- Email Communication
- SMS Communication
- News Letters